Friday, April 23, 2010

Edmunds or Sero removes posts of April 22

After a little back and forth between me, Sam and one of his fans, Edmund's removed all our posts including the two above and stated the following;
Hi Mark,
Some posts have been removed for they violated our member agreement. Your post has been removed too, since it's off-topic. :-)
You can check out the rules by clicking on the Member Agreement link at the bottom of any forum page.
Steve, Host I have sent a reply asking if it was due to a complaint or something we said. We were simply discussing SUA and there wasn't any foul language or comments. My guess is Sam Sero put in a complaint and would rather not be caught. The last thing I said to him was that he should enter the Edmund's contest since it was tailor made for a guy that has been pushing EMI theories for the past twenty years and that if he didn't enter the contest it would prove he doesn't believe in his own theories or at the very least is afraid of having them scrutinized by a panel of independent experts outside of a courtroom. - we'll see if there is a reply from Edmund's.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Following Edmund's contest on SUA

The following post is by Sam Sero - famous for his SUA theories about electrical malfunctions causing SUA - he posted this on Edmund's under the unintended acceleration contest postings; "I have been investigating SA or UA incidents for over twenty years and I am certain that the actual cause of these events is electromagnetic interference. EMI is something that has plagued not only the auto industry but aircraft, cranes, wheelchairs, pacemakers and comp[uters to name a few. I have compiled an extensive history of documents that trace the advent of the condition to the fuel injected engine with electronic cruise control. Toyota's problem is not unique. The control of the throttle from an ECM is equivalent to what Ford tried in its 1989 and 1990 integrated engine and cruise control systems and experienced a 600% increase in the rate of sudden accleration events in the models it placed this control in. For more info go to" My Reply; Mr. Sero - Given the fact that in the history of building automobiles no one (including NHTSA, Toyota etc.) has ever documented a single vehicle that would accelerate out of control by itself due to an electrical system malfunction please cite one case or vehicle where investigators found a real world example of a car that had a defective electrical part that caused it to accelerate out of control by itself. No theories please, just one single real world example that is verifiable. After all your site is Forensic Facts - not Forensic Theories.